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Using azure event gird with a function app

Introduction In this tutorial we will set up a simple azure event grid topic, with an function app as a subscriber to the topic. The function app will just log the messages, so we can se that it picked up the event. Setting things up First step is to create a resource group where we can add all the azure services we need az group create --name  myresourcegroup   --location norwayeast We need to set up a storage account that can be used bye the function app. az storage account create --name mystorageaccount --resource-group myresourcegroup --location eastus --sku Standard_LRS Now that we have a storage account we can make the function app. Here we will set it up to be able to run .Net 6 functions az functionapp create --name myFunctionApp --resource-group  myresourcegroup  --consumption-plan-location eastus --runtime dotnet --runtime-version 6.0 --functions-version 4 --storage-account  mystorageaccount...
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