As we all know SharePoint 2010 came with the new ribbon interface. I have not had much time exploring how to add elements to the ribbon, so I decided to have a go at it.
I decided to use a blank site and try to add a ribbon to the main web part page. With god help from the Professional SharePoint 2010 Development book, here is how i did it.
I started by creating two projects in my solution, one to deploy the images and one to deploy the ribbon feature. The reason for this is that I like to use the sandbox solutions as much as possible. As the images are going into the _layouts\images catalog and therefor needs to be a Farm solution and the ribbon with only one feature can be a sandbox solution.
The way the Ribbons are organized are by a path. In my example the path is “Ribbon.WebPartPage.Edit.Controls._children” , here I'm saying that I want my ribbon to be on WebPart pages under the edits controls, _children means that I want it as new child not override an existing one. I found this path in the\TEMPLATE\GLOBAL\XML\CMDUI.XML where all the out of the box ribbons are described.
So with the knowledge of the path of the ribbon controls I was able to add the new icon to the webpart page. Here is the elements.xml used to do that.
<elements xmlns="">
<customaction id="MyRibbonTab" location="CommandUI.Ribbon" title="My Ribbon icon">
<commanduidefinition location="Ribbon.WebPartPage.Edit.Controls._children">
<button id="Ribbon.WebPartPage.Edit.Controls.RibbonTest" alt="Test Button" command="Test_Button" labeltext="Click Me!!" image16by16="/_layouts/images/XMLRibbonEksample/Smile16x16.gif" image32by32="/_layouts/images/XMLRibbonEksample/Smile32x32.gif" templatealias="o1">
<commanduihandler command="Test_Button" commandaction="javascript:alert('Hello world!!');">
And a screen shot of the icon.
I decided to use a blank site and try to add a ribbon to the main web part page. With god help from the Professional SharePoint 2010 Development book, here is how i did it.
I started by creating two projects in my solution, one to deploy the images and one to deploy the ribbon feature. The reason for this is that I like to use the sandbox solutions as much as possible. As the images are going into the _layouts\images catalog and therefor needs to be a Farm solution and the ribbon with only one feature can be a sandbox solution.
The way the Ribbons are organized are by a path. In my example the path is “Ribbon.WebPartPage.Edit.Controls._children” , here I'm saying that I want my ribbon to be on WebPart pages under the edits controls, _children means that I want it as new child not override an existing one. I found this path in the
So with the knowledge of the path of the ribbon controls I was able to add the new icon to the webpart page. Here is the elements.xml used to do that.
<elements xmlns="">
<customaction id="MyRibbonTab" location="CommandUI.Ribbon" title="My Ribbon icon">
<commanduidefinition location="Ribbon.WebPartPage.Edit.Controls._children">
<button id="Ribbon.WebPartPage.Edit.Controls.RibbonTest" alt="Test Button" command="Test_Button" labeltext="Click Me!!" image16by16="/_layouts/images/XMLRibbonEksample/Smile16x16.gif" image32by32="/_layouts/images/XMLRibbonEksample/Smile32x32.gif" templatealias="o1">
<commanduihandler command="Test_Button" commandaction="javascript:alert('Hello world!!');">
And a screen shot of the icon.