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Deploy customized promoted link list

I needed to create a custom list based on the promoted link list. When I tried to add the list using Visual Studio I could not find a way to create a list template based on promoted links. I could only create list instances based on promoted links. That would have been ok if I did not need to add my own fields. Since I am using sand box solution and trying to make it non-code, I would have to find a declarative method to do this.

I then tried to find the content type that promoted link is based on, but to my surprise, it is based a hidden content type called “System”. All the fields are defined in the list content type. Therefore, I could not create a custom content type based on any site content types.

Then I got the idea of setting it up in a temporary team site and then export it as a template. Doing this would make so I could see how the exported WSP handled the promoted list. After importing the WSP into Visual Studio I was able to get a List Template for setting up the promoted links list.

Here are the result of doing this:

First, I setup a temporary team site, then added a promoted link list, then and called it “Promoted List item”.

I exported the site by storing it as a template, and downloaded the template WSP file.

When I Imported the WSP in visual studio I just selecting the list, Visual Studio will find the dependencies and ask you to include them after clicking “finish”.

The imported WSP project looked like this: 

Then I copied the list template files form the import Visual studio project in the project in my solution, and included in the project. 

I left out the field definitions and the property bag entries thinking that the “Team collaboration lists” feature includes that. and was left with only the list template.

Now I could add the custom fields.

Then making sure my feature was dependent on the "Team collaboration lists" feature. And I was god to go. 


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